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Producer Video 2020

A video I created for the Management Concepts website in 2020 that describes who the producers are when participants take a virtual instructor lead class with the company. 

FTMC Course Ad 2018

This motion graphic was done as an advertisement for the Marine Corps University's FTMC (Fitness Test Monitor Certificaiton) Distance Learning course. It demonstrates the different physical activities that the Marines will learn how to record and perform in accordance with Marine Corps standards for fitness and physical appearance. The video contains rotoscoping, masking, 2D animation, and sound editing and effects done in After Effects CC.  

Motion Graphic 2017

This motion graphic was done for the Fairfax Library Foundation Bookfair, a biannual event in which customers at the Fair Lakes Barnes & Nobles can have 10% of their purchases go back as donations to the foundation to aid the local library.
I drew all the 2D illustrations in Photoshop CC, edited the logo and the tagline for the event in Illustrator CC, and created the motion graphic in After Effects CC. The music is Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op.61 Rondo.

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